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"Hey, how about some covers, my modesty ya know?  Well, at least that heat lamp feels pretty good."
Whoa, this guy's huge! Okay, so everybody's huge compared to me, so what....
. . . Aaahh, yeah!  Now I'm comfy.

       Yep, iiit's nap time alright . . . .

Hey, did somebody want me before I nod off here?  
  Guess not.  See ya . . . .

. . . And here I am with my Aunt

a.k.a. The Godmother   

So am I cute or what?!?! . . .

I did mention that      
I was cute . . .

. . . didn't I?

. . . Hey, it's my Uncle Scott.

a.k.a. The Godfather . . .

Well folks, my ride's here . . .

. . . I'm blowin' this popcicle stand!

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