These are some pictures of Xander's first few days on the planet.  Okay, well, not exactly his first few days because those were in the womb, but you know what I mean.  Alright how 'bout this:  These are some pics of Xander's first few un-tethered, un-umbilicalled, un-tummied, un--okay fine, I'll quit while I'm behind--days on the planet.  Here you go . . .

Well, these are a few weeks later.  Didn't get as many this time, but the ones we got are pretty good.  This is The Godfather's first time feeding a little baby.  Seems like he's doin' a pretty fair job.  Take a look . . .

Another month and we find ourselves near St. Patrick's day.  And wouldn't you know it, Xander is dressed for the occasion. 
Check him out . . .

Well, hello again folks.  He's back with another round of pics for ya, all from his comfy car seat this time because he was only here for a little bit. 
Right this way  .  .  .
Well, Xander's gettin a little more mobile now.  He's scootin around on the floor and in his...whaddyacallit...well,
you'll see soon enough. 

Come on in  .  .  .
We don't have any standing shots in this bunch, but wait til you see what he's chosen for a profession.
Come see for yourself . . .
In this set, he's using his new walker.  Or at least it's new for Scott & Susie.  He's actually got the exact same one at home, something that delighted him to no end.  Anyway, he's developing some talents now. 
Come see what I mean . . .
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