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Well, here I am again, still enjoying a nice nap after a ride in the car with Mom.


Okay, somethin's goin on, I can feel it.

Oh...yep...ok...awake now.  Hey...hey you up there, would you mind fixin' my sock, please?


Alright, what's up with the bright, flashy light, huh?

Oh, waitaminute.  I know you.

And I know you that I can actually see ya. 

Sheez, so am I cute
or what?

Yeah, here ya go, have some feet.  And by the way, that sock still needs fixin.


Yessir buddy!  I am in such a good mood.  Oh, did I mention that I'm cute?

Ah, good, a close-up.  Hey, live long and prosper.  Or is it NaNu-NaNu, I always forget.

Oh yeah, before I leave...

...did I happen to mention that I'm cute?

  Weeellll, that's about it for this time around folks.  See ya later!  
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